We are final manufactuer of peanuts, lies in Shandong province China, Where is origin of peanuts. We hve own our factory and we can supply all kinds of high quality peanuts, main peanut products information as follow:
1. Peanuts Inshell: 9/11, 11/13, 13/15, 15/17
2. Groundnut Kernels(long type): 24/28, 28/32, 34/38, 38/42, 45/55
(round type): 35/40, 40/50, 50/60, 60/70, 80/100
3. Blanched peanuts(long type): 25/29, 29/33, 35/39
(round type): 36/41, 41/51, 51/61, 61/71
4. Red Skin Peanut[...]